Security & Disclosure Policy
Chase Podiatry is committed to keeping your data secure. We believe that good security comes from being open and transparent. This document sets out some of the steps we take to ensure that, as well as our policy for vulnerability reporting and disclosure.
Technical Security ๐
Access Control
We tightly control all access to Chase Podiatry systems to ensure only those who need access to your data to perform their job have access. These measures include:
- individual user accounts per person with assigned roles;
- WebAuthN Passkeys to login to sensitive areas such as patient records;
- Cloudflare Zero Trust protection on remotely hosted services;
- Cloudflare tunnels to keep firewall ports closed; and
- WPA-2/3 EAP-(T)TLS individual access to secure staff WiFi connection.
Data transport
Most of the processing of your data occurs either in our local networks or secure off-site environment. Whenever we transmit data across the public internet between our locations it is always encrypted, and we encrypt most local data where technically possible.
Between our physical locations, we encrypt data at the perimeter with an IPSec VPN, often with TLS encryption ontop for added security.
For internet and cloud hosted application traffic such as our patient records system, HTTPS with a minimum of Mozilla's modern policy is used.
Human security ๐ฎ
To compliment our technical security measures, we also consider the human factors around data security. To achieve this, we run regular information security training course covering the most common attacks our staff are likely to encounter, specifically including;
- phishing & spear-phishing attacks;
- identifying and mitigating on-path attacks;
- handling sensitive data confidentially; and
- correctly identify patients while preserving their privacy.
Security vulnerability policy ๐
If you believe you have found a secuity vulnerability in a Chase Podiatry system, please submit your report to us.
To report and urgent cyber-security incident or a vulnerability being actively exploited, call 01543 577566.
This vulnerability disclosure policy applies to any vulnerabilities you are considering reporting to us. We recommend reading this policy fully before you report a vulnerability and are always acting in compliance with it.
If you believe you have found a security vulnerability, please submit your report to us:
- call 01543 577566;
- email [email protected] (contact us for our public encryption key); or
- write to us at Chase Podiatry, 10 Mill Street, Cannock, WS11 0DL.
In your report please include details of:
- the URL or IP where the vulnerability can be observed;
- a brief description of the vulnerability, for example; "XSS vulnerability";
- your contact details so we can get in touch if we need more information; and
- steps to reproduce.
These should be a benign, non-destructive, proof of concept.
This helps ensure we can triage reports quickly and accurately.
It also reduces the likelihood of duplicate reports or malicious exploitation of some vulnerability such as
sub-domain takeovers.
What to expect
After you have submitted your report, we will respond to your report within 5 working days and aim to triage your report with 10 working days. We also aim to keep you informed of our progress.
We assess remediation priority by looking at the impact, severity, and exploit complexity. Some reports might take longer to triage or address, you are welcome to ask about the status, but please avoid doing so more than once every 14 days. This allows us to focus on remediation.
We will notify you using the details you provide when we have remediated the reported vulnerability, and we may invite you to confirm that the solution covers the vulnerability adequately.
Once your vulnerability has been resolved, we welcome requests to disclose your report. We'd like to unify guidance to affected users, so please do continue to coordinate public disclosure with us.
You must NOT:
- break any applicable law or regulations;
- access unnecessary, excessive, or significant amounts of data;
- continue to access data after you have collected enough to submit a report;
- modify data in our systems or services;
- use high-intensity invasive or destructive scanning tools to find vulnerabilities;
- attempt or report and form of denial of service, for example, overwhelming a service with a high volume of requests;
- disrupt our services or systems;
- submit repots detailing non-exploitable vulnerabilities or reports indicating that services do not fully align with "best practice", for example, missing security headers, unless this forms part of a larger vulnerability;
- communicate any vulnerabilities or assoicated details other than by means described in this police or the published
; - social engineer, 'phish', or physically attack our staff or infrastructure; or
- demand financial compensation in order to disclose a vulnerability.
You must:
- always comply with data protection rules and must not violate the privacy of our staff, patients, or systems. You must not, for example, share, redistribute, or fail to properly secure data retrieved from our systems; and
- securely delete all data retrieved during your research as soon as it is no longer required, or within 1 month of the vulnerability being resolved, whichever occurs first (or as otherwise required by data protection law).
This policy is designed to be compatible with common vulnerability disclosure good practice. It does not permit you to act in any manner that is inconsistent with the law, or which might cause us or any other party to be in breach of any legal obligations.
However, if a third party initiates legal action against you, we will take steps to support your work where it is compliant with this policy.
Thank you for helping keep Chase Podiatry and our patients safe.