
Routine Podiatry
Explore our routine podiatry treatment options

Podiatric biomechanics involves not only the assessment of the structure, alignment and function of the feet and legs but also the whole body. The foot is part of the complex systems of the body and is completely unique to allow us to walk upright...

Nail Surgery
Explore our nail surgery treatment options

Foot Mobilisation
Foot Mobilisation Therapy is a non-surgical way to optimise joint functioning and ensure pain-free motion. It is a highly effective and specialised treatment, which focuses on assessing and treating joints and muscles in the feet, ankles, and legs to release areas of joint restriction...

Alcohol Injections for Morton’s Neuroma
A Morton's Neuroma is a painful sweeling of the nerve in the foot. Chase Podiatry can use alcohol injections to control the swelling and reduce pain...

Steroid Injection
Steroid injections, also called corticosteroid injections, are anti-inflammatory medicines used to treat a range of conditions...